Craigieburn Little Athletics is a sport built on volunteer participation.
To run a successful club and program it is vital that families contribute to the running of competitions and events.
We need your assistance and commitment to make it successful.
There are many benefits to volunteering - it's social, fun and rewarding to know that your contribution is helping the community. We also encourage you to watch your own children while helping out at events - after all, we all love supporting and encouraging our children!
Parents whose athletes are attending our regional and state events are also required to volunteer to assist with allocated centre duties.
Unfortunately, where there are not enough volunteers at a centre scheduled event, that event will be cancelled so that all remaining events can run smoothly and without delay. Centre duties will be released at the beginning of the week, so you can secure your spot.
For your child to be eligible to participate on Championship Day, parents are required to volunteer to a minimum on 10 duties (which must include, set up and canteen duties).